- Tohoku University
- International Research Institute of Disaster Science(IRIDeS), Tohoku University
- Tsunami Engineering Lab.
- Environmental Change Risk Lab.
- Remote Sensing and Geoinfomatics for Disaster Management Lab.
- Disaster Area Support Lab.
- Disaster Digital Archive Lab.
- Disaster Reconstruction Design & Management Lab.
- School of Engineering, Tohoku University
- Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Tohoku University
- Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tohoku University
- Mathematical System Design Lab.
- Concrete Engineering Lab.
- Geosphere and Geotechnical Engineering Lab.
- Structural Mechanics Lab.
- Structural Design Engineering Lab.
- Advanced Infrastructure Systems Lab.
- Hydro-Environmental System Lab.
- Environmental Protection Engineering Lab.
- Water Quality Engineering Lab.
- Ecological Engineering Lab.
- Hydro-Environmental Informations Lab.
- Graduate School of Infomation Sciences, Tohoku University
- Iryo Lab., Transportation and Geographic Information Science
- Inoue Lab., Transportation and Geographic Information Science
- Kono Lab., Regional and Urban Planning
- Fukumoto Lab., Regional and Urban Planning
- Akamatsu Lab., Road Transportation and Traffic
- Hara Lab., Road Transportation and Traffic