Important Announcement
03/25/2024 Award Nilo Lemuel J. Dolojan was selected for Presentation Awards of JSCES conference.
11/01/2023 Award Hidano was selected for Presentation Awards of JSCES conference.
09/01/2023 Award Han was selected for Presentation Awards of JSCES conference.
05/23/2023 Award Reika Nomura and Richi Sugai were selcted for the Young Researcher Paper Award of the JSCES award in 2022.
03/24/2023 Award Sugai was selected for Best Presentation Awards of Master's Thesis.
12/09/2022 Award Tozato and Sugai were selected for Presentation Awards of JSCES conference.
12/09/2022 Award Tozato and Sugai were selected for Presentation Awards of JSCES conference.
06/14/2022 Award Nomura was selected for 建設工学研究奨励賞
06/02/2022 Award Han was selected for JSCES Scholarship Award 2022
05/28/2022 Award Kenjiro Terada was selcted for the Kobayashi Award
03/25/2022 Award Nakamura was selected for Engineering Dean's Award (FY 2022).
01/17/2022 Award Nomura and Usami were selected for Presentation Awards of JSCES conference.
11/29/2021 Award Miura,Yamanaka and Han were selected for Presentation Awards of JSCE Applied Mechanics.
11/24/2021 Award Miura was selected for Research Awards of JSCE 2021.
06/03/2021 Announcement Research results were released to the public.
05/28/2021 Award Kenjiro Terada was selcted for the JSCES Achievement Award of the JSCES award in 2020.
05/28/2021 Award Kenta Tozato, Ryo Hatano, Shuji Moriguchi, Yu Otake, Takuma Kotani, Shinsuke Takase, Kenjiro Terada were selcted for the Outstanding Paper Award of the JSCES award in 2020.
05/28/2021 Award Jike Han was selcted for the Young Researcher Paper Award of the JSCES award in 2020.
05/17/2021 Announcement Research results were released to the public.
04/01/2021 Announcement The Research Division of lab has changed from Regional and Urban Reconstruction Research Division to Risk Evaluation and Disaster Mitigation Research Division.
03/25/2021 Award Miura was selected for Best Presentation Awards of Graduation Thesis.
03/25/2021 Award Han and Yamanaka were selected for Best Presentation Awards of Master's Thesis.
03/25/2021 Award Kanno was selected for President's Award (FY 2020).
03/19/2021 Award Sugai, Miura and Yamanaka were selected for Engineering Dean's Award (FY 2020).
07/28/2020 Announcement The browsing of student's email addresses has been restricted from the campus LAN.
01/01/2018 Announcement Zip code has changed to 980-9572.
08/31/2023 Paper A paper written by Nomura, et al. has been published in International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids.
08/25/2023 Paper A paper written by Nomura et al. has been published in Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences.
08/02/2023 Paper A paper written by Yamanaka et al. has been published in Com puter Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.
06/12/2023 Paper A paper written by Dolojan et al. has been published in Engineering Geology.
05/31/2023 Conference We atteneded the JSCES 2023 Conference in Ibaraki.
05/27/2023 Conference We attended the JSCE 2023 Appliced Mechanics Symposium in Tokyo.
05/23/2023 Award Reika Nomura and Richi Sugai were selcted for the Young Researcher Paper Award of the JSCES award in 2022.
04/05/2023 Announcement Members page has been updated.
03/24/2023 Special event 令和4年度学位記授与式が開催されました
03/24/2023 Award Sugai was selected for Best Presentation Awards of Master's Thesis.
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